You can purchase products from Interio Bliss as a guest, even without any registration. However, you need to register at Interio Bliss to access it’s all functionalities and features. Even if you buy from Interio Bliss as guests you still are abide by all policies of Interio Bliss i.e. Shipping, return, time e.t.c. The registration process requires that you create ID and password. By registering, you indentify us against all damages, losses and legal costs arising out of your non-adherence to the parts of our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies, posting or using material that infringes upon the copyright issues or other unlawful activities.
Online conduct:
You will not impersonate any other individual.
You will not harass or bully other members.
This website is not responsible to meet any customer physically either if the purchase is made online or on behalf of any given quotation as demanded in whatsoever conditions.
Website is not responsible for any kind of monetary losses, if any.
The website is not responsible for any inadvertent typographical or other errors, mistake and omissions.
You will not directly or indirectly interfere with the working of Interio Bliss website, its servers and networks.
We will not be directly or indirectly responsible for any fight you may pick up while dealing independently with other members.
Third party advertisements
The advertisements of third parties appearing on the site do not mean we endorse them. The links provided on the site for third party services should be used with care. Read the Terms and Policies of these third parties before accessing their websites.
We owe you no liability for the loss of money and time caused due to the reasons beyond our control like natural calamities, lock outs and unprecedented system failures.
Website rights
The website is very much our web property and we retain all rights for its operation, sale and purchase thereof. Because of some extreme technical reasons, if some parts of the Terms and Conditions are unenforceable then you are still very much subjected to other provisions till the time those parts become enforceable again.
Any website administrator stating anything in deviation of the written Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy would not mean confirmation of the same by us. If someone does that, they will do so at their own risk and the website owners will not be held responsible for the same.
Your accessing the Interio Bliss website, its content, purchase of products through it or registering on it would mean that you have agreed to its all Privacy Policies and also these Terms and Conditions.